This page provides guidance for individuals, businesses, schools, and organizations who may want to use Georgia Tech’s name or trademarks in various situations. See the Third-Party Use of Name section of the Brand Guide for complete rules.
Guidelines by Usage or Group
Adding a Georgia Tech-related image — such as the Ramblin’ Wreck or Buzz — on a cake can make a birthday, graduation, wedding, anniversary, or other significant life event even more meaningful.
Complete the form linked below before having edible items (cakes, cookies, cupcakes, chocolates, etc.) made using Georgia Tech trademarks. You will then receive an email with a permission letter that you will take to the bakery when your place your order.

Many Georgia Tech alumni and friends spend a lifetime passionately supporting the Institute in a variety of ways. That passion and dedication can be honored even after a loved one’s death with a Georgia Tech grave marker.
To begin the process of creating a Georgia Tech grave marker, submit the form linked below. You will then receive an email with a permission letter that you take to the cemetery or grave marker manufacturer.
Official Georgia Tech Alumni Association Networks are required to use a licensed vendor to produce any merchandise or apparel with the Georgia Tech name and/or trademarks. This includes merchandise used within the organization (staff shirts, pens, etc.), given as gifts, or sold.
Alumni Association Network logos must have their official network name and the words “Alumni Network” in the logo design. For example: Houston Area Alumni Network or Georgia Tech Chicago Alumni Network.
Alumni Association Networks are not allowed to alter spirit marks without permission from Licensing and Trademarks.
Companies that host events on campus may not use the Institute’s name or trademarks, unless the event is sponsored by Georgia Tech and the associated artwork is approved by Licensing and Trademarks.
Co-branded merchandise or promotional items are not permitted.
The promotion of third-party events that are not sponsored by or in partnership with the Institute may reference that the event is being held on the campus of the Georgia Institute of Technology with details of the venue.
Any business that uses the Institute’s name, trademarks, images, or other media in association with the following will be required to secure a license as a sponsor:
- The advertising or promotion of a business.
- Media used in a manner that might associate or imply endorsements by the Institute/Athletic Association.
- Association of the business to the Institute through services or products of that business.
Legends - Georgia Tech manages corporate sponsorship and multimedia rights for the Georgia Tech Athletic Association (GTAA).
Georgia Tech’s K-12 School Licensing Program was developed to generate goodwill, increase awareness, and create a pipeline of prospective undergraduate Georgia Tech students.
The K-12 School Licensing Program also helps to protect our Buzz trademark from infringement. Approximately 380 schools have signed the no-cost agreement that gives them permission to use our Buzz trademark following specific terms and conditions.
For information on obtaining a Georgia Tech K-12 License, contact Georgia Tech Licensing and Trademarks.
Nonprofit or non-growth organizations seeking to use Georgia Tech’s name and trademarks must obtain permission. All items bearing the name and trademarks of Georgia Institute of Technology, including fundraising items, must be licensed.
A third-party business that has or previously had a contract with the Institute may make that factual statement in its marketing materials. See the Third-Party Use of Name section of the Brand Guide for complete rules.
There must be no implication of sponsorship of, or endorsement by the Institute of, the third party’s goods or services (or vice versa).
If a vendor would like to use images of the Institute in marketing materials, approval from Licensing and Trademarks is required.